Your microteaching will be evaluated based on this criteria:
Planning (20%):
- Statement of objectives
- Appropriateness of objectives
- Selection of teaching content
- Organization of lesson plan
Implementation (55%):
- Introduction of lesson/set induction
- Presentation
- Pace of lesson
- Command of subject matter
- Teaching method and strategy
- Use of teaching aids
- Speech and language
- Class interaction /learning environment
- Class management
- Questioning techniques
- Method of evaluation
Closure (15%):
- Conclusion of lesson
- Achievement of objective
- Reflection
Teacher Characteristic (10%):
- Teacher personality
- Teacher attitude
Please make sure that you are teaching reading skills and strategies only and not integrated skills.
Please submit the lesson plan and the teaching materials to me before you begin your lesson.
Please end the lesson with the closure once I signal that time is up.
Please support and cooperate with your friends while they are teaching.