This subject introduces you to the techniques and principles of teaching Reading. The materials for this course will be divided into 4 major categories:
1. Reading - An introduction to the Reading Process
2. The Reader
3. The Reading Teacher - Methodology
4. Reading Assessment
Syllabus Content
1. The Nature of Reading
- Types of Reading
- Models of reading - bottom-up, Top-down, Interactive-Constructive & New Literacy Approaches
- Reading Skills
- Reading Strategies
2. Teaching Approaches and Materials
- Early reading - teaching and learning
- The learning context - roles and purposes of second language learners
- The role of text in the second language classroom
- Classroom reading procedures
- Texts and classroom procedures for critical reading
3. Exploring Reading
- Investigating reading in your own classroom
4. Reading Assessment
Assessment (100% on-going)
Quizzes 20%
Presentation 10%
Evaluate Reading Test 20%
Issues on L@ reading classrooms 20%
Microteaching 30%

Hudson, T. (2007) Teachinig Second Language Reading. Oxford Univ Press
Wallace, C (2003). Reading. Oxford Unive. Press
Chitravelu, Sithamparan, Teh Soo Choon (2005) ELT Methodology Principles and Practice (2nd Ed) Shah Alam : Fajar Bakti